Thursday, July 15, 2010

An Ounce a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Imagine a potion that magically bestows perfect health upon everyone who drinks it. Or a fountain whose waters return the health and vigor of youth to all who partake.

Ok...forget about the myths and fairy tales and let's talk about Kyani Sunrise.

No claims are made about the medicinal benefits that will result from drinking Kyani Sunrise.

Why not?

A little group called the FDA has some rules governing that sort of thing and it's not a cheap or easy process to get your product approved for a specific use.

So, if it isn't "FDA approved" that means it doesn't have any value?

Nope, at least not in my opinion. You see, it has helped me feel better, have more energy, and since drinking Kyani Sunrise I have fewer aches and pains than I have had for a while.

There you have it...a personal, anecdotal testimonial.

Kyani Sunrise is designed as a balancer, an enhancer, a supplement. However, it is entirely possible that you might drink an ounce or three of Kyani Sunrise every day and not be able to sense any improvement whatsoever in your health or well-being.

How come?

Well, maybe you were already in great shape and had few symptoms of disease or malaise. Or maybe what ails you goes beyond what supplementing your diet can accomplish in a month, a year, or ever. Or maybe the improvement in your health was so gradual that you don't recall how poorly you felt before you starting drinking Kyani Sunrise. Or maybe, maybe, maybe. Remember...Kyani Sunrise isn't a magic potion.

So why try Kyani Sunrise?

Call it Opportunity Cost.

An Opportunity Cost is one that relates to the cost of not choosing a specific path or option. It's part of the What If question. You know, "What if this stuff REALLY works and I don't give it a try?" What if your health did improve, you had more energy, or the aches and pains went away? How much then is the Opportunity Cost of not trying Kyani Sunrise?

It's an individual and personal decision to try any product that might provide a benefit to us, especially when there are no guarantees regarding results. Only you can determine whether the Opportunity Cost of not trying Kyani Sunrise is higher than the money you might spend on Kyani Sunrise.

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