Thursday, July 15, 2010

Have Fun at Your Meetings!

While not everyone enjoys going to Opportunity meetings every week, they can be informational, effective, and even fun!

Many a successful MLMer has built their business by inviting friends and acquaintances to join them at a hotel, office, or meeting room for a 60-90 minute presentation about their chosen MLM. Hopefully, everyone who has been invited is aware that they are attending an Opportunity meeting and hasn't been tricked or coerced into attending. (I've had that happen a couple of times and it was very irritating. Needless to say I didn't sign up.)

I want to point out that people who voluntarily go anywhere in the evening are already more proactive than most. Then, put all those fired-up entrepreneurs in one room and the excitement level can go through the roof. This isn't like a CPA convention...MLMers know how to have a good time!

One of the better presenters will usually speak about the company, the products, and so on. Corporate VIPs might also be in attendance to add a little muscle to the event. Often there are testimonials from product users who have experienced noteworthy results and are willing to share their stories. Depending on the agenda, sometimes there is a break before the Compensation Plan is discussed.

One could easily say "I don't need to go this week...I know everything that is in the presentation." Personally, I might say the same thing about church attendance. Fortunately there are several reasons to keep going other than the information in the presentations:

1) It helps recharge one's battery to be around others who have made a similar commitment. Sometimes we get discouraged and find the path so challenging that we don't want to keep trying. Attending one's meetings can help remind us of the reasons we started going in the first place.

2) We probably will see some friendly faces. If your sponsor or upline is there they will likely go out of their way to say hi and inquire as to how you are doing. Likewise, you might have people that you have sponsored into the business who could use an energy boost and some motivation. For most of us, helping someone else get motivated is one of the best motivators of all.

3) We don't really know it all. Just like that favorite song that you sing along with on the radio. If you were to try and sing it all the way through on your own, you'd probably forget half the lyrics. Hearing something over and over is different than knowing it well enough to present it yourself. So, go to your meetings and continue to soak in the the info so that you, too, one day might be able to make the presentation.

4) Meetings are a key part of business, almost any business. If you are serious about your MLM business you should be serious about your meetings.

See you there!

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