Thursday, July 15, 2010

If You Can't Say Something Nice...

I've never been a fan of trashing competitors as a marketing strategy. While I suppose that product comparisons can be useful if one's product is clearly superior and you want to call attention to the fact. However, all too often comparisons between products or services are biased or fail to tell the full story.

I sell Kyani. I think it is a great product being produced by an equally great company. I can talk your ear off about Kyani and never once mention another company's product. In fact, it would never occur to me that someone would be interested in another company, mostly because that means that they wouldn't be working with me.

Now before you start thinking that this Madame Kyani stuff has gone to my head, please understand that I believe that many people "buy" the salesperson before they buy the product. If the only way I could sell my product was to make negative comments about somebody else's products, what would that say about the value I place on myself as a salesperson, especially in an MLM, where so much is based on personal relationships and interaction?

Many of us MLMers are passionate about our company and our products. I believe that Kyani will improve health and help balance one's body. I want everyone who purchases a bottle from me to have a positive result. I want everyone who I sponsor and enroll as an Independent Distributor to be successful in their efforts to build their business. The company is great...but these folks got involved because of me and I feel a certain responsibility as a result.

And that's why I don't even think in terms of comparing apples and oranges, or mangosteen, as the case may be.

Because as far as I'm concerned...there is nothing comparable.

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