Thursday, November 18, 2010

Create A Legacy With Kyani

Most of us desire to benefit our descendants with every advantage we can possibly afford. Yet, in our turbulent economic times there are fewer and fewer people that have an “estate” worth enough to provide any real assistance to their loved ones. This is just one reason that an MLM like Kyani appeals to so many seniors.

When faced with the decision of enrolling in Kyani as a customer or distributor, many seniors are opting for the latter, not only for the cost savings, but with the idea that they will build an income stream/business that they can transfer to family members at some point in the future. There are few businesses that most seniors would attempt to start, partly due to the high start up costs and partly due to their waning energy or lack of desire to jump into competitive business. Becoming a Kyani Independent Distributor is a good alternative to starting a traditional business because there are hardly any startup costs and each distributor chooses how much time they devote to their business.

Seniors do extremely well in Kyani for a several reasons:

1) Unfortunately, they typically have more health issues than younger people and have a greater need for Kyani's products. Of course, that means that they are also more likely to see a dramatic improvement in their health, which is a personal story they can share with others.

2) Most seniors have many, many friends and acquaintances they have developed over the years with whom they can share their Kyani story.

3) One of the benefits of age is increased wisdom and seniors are more apt to appropriately approach their contacts with tact and diplomacy, as a friend rather than a salesperson.

It's not difficult to imagine your Kyani business thriving for decades to come, with you having done the "heavy lifting" so that your loved ones can continue to reap the benefits, both of better health and additional income.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Stumbling Block or Stair Step?

There are few paths in life that are straight, level, smoothly paved and clear of obstacles. Twists and turns in the road, fellow travelers who cross our path and the unexpected, random debris can cause us to go off course, change direction or turn back in defeat. Like they say, "if it was easy, anyone could do it."

Those who seek an easy, short jaunt to success are usually quickly disappointed. On the other hand, those who have only encountered failure might soon expect as much with every endeavor. Fortunately, hope springs eternal and most of us do eventually go up the learning curve, gaining valuable experience and knowledge with each outing.

When encountering an obstacle in one's path, how often is that stumbling block seen as an opportunity to get a better view of the road ahead? Do you turn away when the road isn't clear or are you the type of person who would rather go over an obstacle instead of around it? Are the people you meet, especially those in an MLM context who don't jump at the chance to sign up with you, seen as failures or possible resources for new leads?

I suggest that no one has a flat easy road to success. Rather, there are some who have learned to better deal with adversity, to make lemonade out of lemons, to stay focused on their end goal and not get bothered by the normal challenges that all successful people face and overcome. The first step is to change your outlook about the difficulty of your journey, prepare yourself as best you can, and commit to persevering when the expected and unexpected challenges occur. There is no secret, no magic wand, no insider tips that guarantee success. YOU and you alone determine how successful you will be.

Hoping and Wishing for Success

Just as we choose to interpret words according to our circumstances, we can also choose to interpret our circumstances according to our words. Take the word "hope" for example. Hope can mean:

1) To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment.
2) To look forward to with confidence or expectation.
3) To expect and desire.

To some, hope is closely related to "wish" and so let's look at the definition of wish:

1) A desire, longing, or strong inclination for a specific thing.
3) Something desired or longed for.

What seems to be the difference between hoping and wishing? Hope carries with it an expectation of fulfillment rather than just desire for fulfillment.

Some people wish they were more successful and some people hope to be more successful. Which would you rather associate with...those who wish or those who hope?

For me, I prefer those that hope. Wishing is great, but hoping implies action towards the desired outcome. Only a fool would hope for success when no effort had been expended towards achieving it.

We can all choose which group we fall into, the hopers or the wishers. Of course, there is little risked by merely wishing for success. On the other hand, hoping for success and actually doing something about it, brings failure into the picture...but that's a topic for another post.

I'm hoping to have a great day!

Invest in the Future!

As I've gotten older and have had the opportunity of watching as communities grow, it's been fascinating to see how property that was once on the outskirts of town is gradually engulfed by development. Often it is farmers or land speculators that bought this land for just pennies on the dollar of what they can sell it for 5, 10 or 30 years later. There is a wonderful irony in the story of the hardworking farmer who spends his life eking out a living and then sells his acreage in his old age for millions. And it's amazing how much patience some of these landowners have, choosing to wait until others have sold or developed the surrounding properties, which results in a much higher value for their own property.

This same principle is found in other types of investments, like stocks and bonds. Buy now and hold on to them for years and hope their value soars. Not everyone wins with this approach, but it makes enough sense that many people put it into practice.

I've come to realize that in some ways the Kyani opportunity is similar to these long-term investments. MLMs have been around and profitable for several decades and many are still paying off for those who continued to work their business over the long haul. To me it helps to view the Kyani opportunity in such a light: investing in the future.

It's really not that hard to do. First, you have to like the product enough to use it for years and years. Thank goodness Kyani tastes good! Second, you have to try and get others to see things your way, to use the product or to invest in their own future income stream. Taking the long view helps to reduce any undue stress or pressure that we might put on ourselves to make our business an overnight success. Patience, grasshopper.

I truly believe that Kyani's management and corps of Independent Distributors will continue to grow this company until it ranks with the best of the best MLMs. I'm glad that I love the product and have the patience to run my business while doing my part to add to that success.

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Reality Check.

Gut Check.

Bonus Check.

Is this the way you thought it would be?

Hopefully, each person who decides to start an MLM business has a good idea of what they are getting themselves in to or in for. Take away the hype and hoopla and what you are left with is a business that requires effort in order to succeed. Regardless of how helpful your sponsor and/or upline are, it's pretty hard to just skate by without making the decision to commit oneself to working one's own business. Sure, it happens sometimes, but can you really expect to be carried and supported without making any effort of your own?

What is often overlooked is that there are a number of ways to climb the mountain of success. If your reality check finds that you aren't as good a presenter as someone else or aren't as naturally drawn to chatting up everyone who comes within 3 feet of you, you can still succeed in your MLM business if you can determine which marketing activities you are good at or enjoy doing. It's not too surprising that we like doing things that we are good at and don't usually like doing things that we aren't very good at.

The structure of Network Marketing can really help you out in that it's likely that someone in your upline or downline enjoys doing some of those things that you don't and vice-versa. Additionally, many a successful MLM business is run by a couple, married to each other or not, but each taking charge of an aspect of the business that they enjoy or at which they are skilled.

I believe that the answer to "Are we having fun yet?" is what ultimately determines whether or not someone stays with their business for the long haul and is a predictor of future success.

Hurry Up and Be Patient!

There is no question that a major factor in marketing is the need to create urgency in the customer, that "thing" that motivates them to get up, go out, and purchase a product or service. Sales, limited-time offers, or limited supply are examples of how one can create urgency for one's products.

And then there is Network Marketing. There are occasionally times when an MLM runs some kind of special product promotion that is designed to increase product sales. And there are also times when distributors' commissions might be raised temporarily as an incentive to spur on their recruiting activities.

But where is the urgency for getting someone to sign up TODAY in your MLM?

Well, it's true that if your prospect is someone who runs in the same social circles are you do, it's possible that if they wait too long to make their decision to join, you or someone else that you contact might get to the rest of the folks in your circle before they do. But, unless one's circle of influence can all fit into the family mini-van, it's likely that most of the folks they know will still be there for them to contact next week or next month.

No, no, Madame Kyani! Don't say such a thing! We're counting on the fervor of the Opportunity meeting to get people to sign up on the if there is no tomorrow!

If that's the case, dear prospect,....RUN!

Signing up to start your own MLM distributorship because of pressure or the euphoria of seeing all those big numbers on the compensation plan slide is almost guaranteed to end badly in just a few months.

Oh, now you've gone and done it! You mean you want someone to make an educated, level-headed decision instead of a rash one? How, how, how...uncommon.

I can appreciate that one wants to build their downline via aggressive recruiting and it does work at times to try and create a sense of urgency about the business opportunity. "Ground floor!," "Pre-Launch!," or "New Company!" can all be valid selling go ahead and use them if they apply. Just learn to be patient when it comes to your prospects' decision to sign up.

It's the nature of some people to jump in with both feet and work the details out later. Great! Sign them up! Other people need a few days to mull things over, or longer if they are trying your product to see how it works for them. While it might work for some to "ask for the check" every time they pitch their product or business, many others seek to determine their prospect's interest before they pop the question. It can come down to timing when it's all said and done and you don't want to pressure someone if their easy answer is "no."

On a related note, I've found that a sincere belief in one's products and the strength of one's company is far more impressive to a prospect than an artificially created sense of urgency. I'm willing to wait for someone who really wants to pursue this business opportunity, even if at times it's hard to remember that patience is a virtue.

Financial Freedom

I suppose that many people think of financial freedom as being free from debt or having enough money for their needs AND their wants. I certainly can agree that it is liberating to cast off the shackles of debt and financial desperation. And there are plenty who seek to "make it," to become RICH beyond their wildest dreams.

Yet, how many people actually consider themselves rich? It's been my experience that many who would be considered rich in comparison to the rest of the country (or world) rarely think of themselves as rich. They point to others who have bigger and better toys and say "that person is rich, not me." Funny thing is..."that person" likely doesn't think of themselves as rich, either.

So, if those who have plenty of money and assets don't think of themselves as rich, where is this financial freedom of which we seek?

I'll propose that financial freedom entails more than just how much money one has. In fact, it might be possible to be "poor" and still have financial freedom. Rich and poor are relative terms that describe financial circumstances. Financial freedom describes a mindset.

As I have gotten older I have come to realize that working 60-80 hour weeks is a form of financial incarceration. I've held great positions in the corporate world and received a corresponding wage for my efforts...where long hours were expected and required. Now I find myself enjoying the "freedom" that comes from operating my Kyani business. It isn't just about being self-employed...I've done that a number of times, like Newport Beach East, the modeling school I operated in Provo some years ago. No, it's about choosing a business model that allows me to pace myself and grow my business as I please.

And one of the real benefits is...freedom. Freedom from having to punch a clock or open the doors at a certain hour. Freedom from a business that runs me instead of the opposite. Freedom to have control over what I do each day.

Candidly, while many folks strive to make enough money to substantially improve their financial circumstances, most would be happy to create a business that allows them the freedom to live life as they please. For some, that won't happen unless they are making $10000 a month or more. And for others, an additional $250-$500 a month is just what they need to open the cell doors and bask in their new found financial freedom.

So, determine for yourself what you are seeking to accomplish with your MLM business...and then seek to enjoy the richness of your life.

Increase Their Knowledge and Increase Your Sales

While simply asking "Hey! Do you want to join my new MLM?" might result in a few signups, it's not a strategy that most people can implement. There is too much rejection and one wonders how serious--or loyal--a prospect will be should they sign up having no information other than what they can garner from your smiling face.

Most MLMers understand that it takes more than 60 seconds to explain why their company and product are unique and compelling. That's why there are Opportunity meetings, conference calls, and product dvds, etc. The average person wants to know what they are getting into and while many will sign up after the initial presentation or meeting, many others need some time to think it over and fully commit themselves before they sign on the dotted line.

Retail customers also need to understand why the product is something they should buy and how they will benefit from its use. Anecdotal advice abounds as to how many times a typical person needs to hear about a product before they will try it. Of course, when all they are exposed to is a 30 second tv or radio spot or a small ad in a newspaper, it's no wonder it takes a while to educate consumers about the product.

Regardless of whether talking to a potential new distributor or a retail customer, an MLMer can improve their success by taking the time to increase the knowledge base of the person to whom they are speaking. Even the phrase "new MLM" needs some explanation. Why is it a good thing that the company is new? Are all new MLMs a good bet? Do they really even understand what an MLM is or how Network Marketing is structured? Do they know what an Independent Distributor is or how they are affiliated with the company?

It's easy to assume that your prospect knows as much about the company, product or industry as you do...thus allowing you to cut to the bottom line as quickly as possible. However, it rarely hurts to start slow and cover the basics. "I'm working with a new company called Kyani. I'm an Independent Distributor, which means that I have the right to sell their products through my own business. "

If your prospect is listening, even if they don't buy your product today or agree to come to a meeting, they will likely learn something from you, whether it be what "functional drinks" are or something about the MLM industry that they didn't know before. That tidbit of info might or might not turn into a follow-up conversation, and it's probable that they won't remember who gave them that info, but you will have done something positive towards increasing their knowledge.

But you didn't make a buck?

True, that bothers some people, which is why they make a beeline to the bottom line, pitching hard the whole way. Bully for them! And bully for you, if you can make that strategy work for you. Just don't bully me with it!

Seriously, I believe you will find that some "telling" with your "selling" will create a more receptive audience and yield more positive long-term results. Don't assume your prospects understand your jargon (n. the language, esp. the vocabulary, peculiar to a particular trade, profession, or group) or vernacular (n. the standard native language of a country or locality. ) Why lose a sale because your prospect didn't understand what you were saying? Take the time to explain yourself and your success will increase!

Family First

For many new MLMers, the first group of people who they contact--excitedly, hopefully, optimistically-- are their family members. And as I have learned over the years, this doesn't usually turn out the way one hopes it will.

Approaching family members with any business proposition is different than approaching non-family members, primarily because there is a limited number of the first and an unlimited number of the latter. You only have so many siblings, parents, children, in-laws, cousins, and so on. So it's important that you take care in how you introduce them to yourKyani business...if you still want them to answer your phone calls and emails in the future.

Here are some common assumptions that can lead to difficulty when talking to family about your business:

1) They will be excited about your business because you are excited about it.
2) They will sign up as a Preferred Customer or Independent Distributor because they want to support you.
3) They will want to attend an Opportunity meeting just because you asked them to go with you.
4) They will be motivated to start their own MLM business because, well, because you are.
5) They won't reject you because THEY ARE FAMILY!

Whoa. Anyone who has gone down this road knows how demoralizing it can be when family members turn you down, or worse, deride your decision to start an MLM business. Sure, no one likes rejection...but when family members turn you down it seems to cut to the core.

What's the solution?

It depends on how you view your family, your business, and your product.

If you truly believe in the product's ability to improve and balance health, and you really do care about the health of your family members, why not let your family try the product...for free? While you likely can't afford to give away bottles of Kyani to everyone you know, the key here is to get your family members using the product.

My suggestion is that you only do this with family members who will actually use the product every day for a week to 10 days. When they've finished the bottle, ask them how they are feeling about their health and well-being. Would they like another bottle? If so, I'd give them another one...and so on, until they make a determination about the product.

Yes...that strategy could cost you some money...which is why I prefaced the suggestion with a statement about how you feel about your family, your business, and the product. It's likely that you value your family members more than all the potential customers out there, or all the potential future Independent Distributors that you might sponsor. Strong-arming or "guilting"them to sign up doesn't usually end up with their full support or interest in the business or a strong desire to use the product. However, if they come to appreciate the value of the product on their own, odds are they will be more supportive of your business...and that frequently can make the difference between success and failure.

I'm not saying that it's easy to curb one's enthusiasm when introducing one's family members to your new business. But if you can allow them the space to learn to embrace it on their own terms, I think you will experience greater success and happiness.

If You Can't Say Something Nice...

I've never been a fan of trashing competitors as a marketing strategy. While I suppose that product comparisons can be useful if one's product is clearly superior and you want to call attention to the fact. However, all too often comparisons between products or services are biased or fail to tell the full story.

I sell Kyani. I think it is a great product being produced by an equally great company. I can talk your ear off about Kyani and never once mention another company's product. In fact, it would never occur to me that someone would be interested in another company, mostly because that means that they wouldn't be working with me.

Now before you start thinking that this Madame Kyani stuff has gone to my head, please understand that I believe that many people "buy" the salesperson before they buy the product. If the only way I could sell my product was to make negative comments about somebody else's products, what would that say about the value I place on myself as a salesperson, especially in an MLM, where so much is based on personal relationships and interaction?

Many of us MLMers are passionate about our company and our products. I believe that Kyani will improve health and help balance one's body. I want everyone who purchases a bottle from me to have a positive result. I want everyone who I sponsor and enroll as an Independent Distributor to be successful in their efforts to build their business. The company is great...but these folks got involved because of me and I feel a certain responsibility as a result.

And that's why I don't even think in terms of comparing apples and oranges, or mangosteen, as the case may be.

Because as far as I'm concerned...there is nothing comparable.

Business Owners Unite!

Looking around the crowd at a recent Opportunity meeting, I asked myself "Why do so many owners and operators of local businesses sign up to be Kyani Independent Distributors?"

Here's what I came up with:

1) They already have an entrepreneurial mindset.
2) A GoYin business requires little capital investment.
3) They are acquainted with lots of people who could become Kyani customers.
4) They understand the value of business relationships.
5) They know the importance of selling a product.

That list isn't meant to be comprehensive, but it did get me thinking about how many times I hadn't approached a business owner that I knew because I figured they were too busy to entertain getting involved in an MLM.

Sure, family and friends are who usually come to mind when making one's list of folks to introduce to your new Kyani business. And while it might seem odd to some, one of the reasons that a new Independent Distributor talks to their family first about Kyani is not just because they are part of their "warm market." Rather, there are many who sincerely want their loved ones to improve their health and build a dynamic Kyani business and share in their hoped-for success.

Of course, if one's family or close friends ARE business owners then you might have the best of both worlds. Yet, you likely know dozens of local business owners with whom you have interacted over the years...people who might be motivated to create an additional income stream as a Kyani Independent Distributor. And, as many other customers know them too, the question is are you going to be the first to introduce them to Kyani? Procrastinate and you might just run into them at one of the Kyani meetings (this happened to me!), their having been invited and sponsored by another Independent Distributor.

So, if you haven't already done it, make a list of 10 local business owners that you know on a first-name basis and commit to talking to them about your Kyani business. Tell them about how great the product is and how impressed you are with the Management Team. Let them know that Kyani is your business and you're serious about being successful. Invite them to find out more by attending the next Opportunity meeting with you.

They'll understand, even if they aren't interested at the moment.

Why?'s just business.

The Main Event

By a show of hands, how many of you have ever been in an MLM before?

Thanks, you can put your hands down.

Now, raise your hand if you have ever tried to lose weight? Stop smoking? Get into better shape? Write a book? Do anything difficult?

One of the realities of life is that we often end up "failing" more than we end up succeeding, especially if the task is hard. Yet, many of us jump into the ring again, full of hope and resolve, wiser and more experienced than before.


Because we WANT TO WIN! We want the thrill of victory regardless of the possible agony of defeat.

We ourselves.

Some people will never understand it. They aren't the type to venture much. They play it safe and stretch only as far as their fear allows them. They actually hate failure more than they want they don't try.

The world needs them. They're steady and stable, reliable, do their jobs and make their employers happy.

And they REALLY don't like the uncertainties of network marketing.

We all know someone like this. And it's likely they didn't sign up for our MLM. In fact, they probably tried to talk us (and everyone else) out of it. And they think they are doing us a favor.

It's ok. I'm glad they exist. I'm just not expecting them to sign up in Kyani.

No, I'm looking for fighters with strong legs and a lot of heart. Young people who are still full of hopes and dreams. Older people who might not move as quickly, but know how to get around the ring. I'm looking for people who have been in 1...2...5...10 MLMs before and haven't made it big yet...but still yearn to.

So, as Rocky Balboa might say, if you still have "somethin' down here, ya know, in da basement," grab your gloves and climb into the ring...cuz we're getting ready to rumble!

An Ounce a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Imagine a potion that magically bestows perfect health upon everyone who drinks it. Or a fountain whose waters return the health and vigor of youth to all who partake.

Ok...forget about the myths and fairy tales and let's talk about Kyani Sunrise.

No claims are made about the medicinal benefits that will result from drinking Kyani Sunrise.

Why not?

A little group called the FDA has some rules governing that sort of thing and it's not a cheap or easy process to get your product approved for a specific use.

So, if it isn't "FDA approved" that means it doesn't have any value?

Nope, at least not in my opinion. You see, it has helped me feel better, have more energy, and since drinking Kyani Sunrise I have fewer aches and pains than I have had for a while.

There you have it...a personal, anecdotal testimonial.

Kyani Sunrise is designed as a balancer, an enhancer, a supplement. However, it is entirely possible that you might drink an ounce or three of Kyani Sunrise every day and not be able to sense any improvement whatsoever in your health or well-being.

How come?

Well, maybe you were already in great shape and had few symptoms of disease or malaise. Or maybe what ails you goes beyond what supplementing your diet can accomplish in a month, a year, or ever. Or maybe the improvement in your health was so gradual that you don't recall how poorly you felt before you starting drinking Kyani Sunrise. Or maybe, maybe, maybe. Remember...Kyani Sunrise isn't a magic potion.

So why try Kyani Sunrise?

Call it Opportunity Cost.

An Opportunity Cost is one that relates to the cost of not choosing a specific path or option. It's part of the What If question. You know, "What if this stuff REALLY works and I don't give it a try?" What if your health did improve, you had more energy, or the aches and pains went away? How much then is the Opportunity Cost of not trying Kyani Sunrise?

It's an individual and personal decision to try any product that might provide a benefit to us, especially when there are no guarantees regarding results. Only you can determine whether the Opportunity Cost of not trying Kyani Sunrise is higher than the money you might spend on Kyani Sunrise.

Buy The Numbers

"Sign 3 who sign 3 and your products are FREE!"

I can't recall when I first heard that statement, but I'm sure it was at an Opportunity Meeting.

Most companies have an automatic monthly program wherein the distributor signs up to make a minimum required purchase--usually between $100-150--every month. MLMs love the auto-ship program because it takes the buying decision out of the equation. They have your credit card number on file and when the magic day rolls around each month you have another shipment headed your way without your having to lift a finger.

To help reduce any angst about the monthly charge, most MLMers will recognize that if they just recruit a few folks who also sign up for the auto-ship program, their commissions from those purchases will be sufficient to pay for one's own auto-ship purchases. What a deal! The numbers change from company to company, but the principle is pretty much the same. Go find 3,4, or 5 people, who each also go and find 3, 4, or 5 people, and your products are "free."

And if you can actually do works really nicely.

Frequently in MLM presentations this type of example is expanded out several additional levels, with your potential income eventually reaching $10,000 - $400,000 a month, depending on how aggressive the chosen numbers are.

Wow! $400,000 A MONTH! Where do I sign up!!!! Can I make $4 million a month? How about $40 million???

Sure. And you could win the SuperLotto, too.


Thanks for asking the question, but time is short so let's move on to the next slide, the one about all of the additional bonus pools that you might get to participate in.

Have you ever watched those infomercials for weight-loss products or real estate strategies that feature folks with amazing results? Over the past few years they have had to include fine print that says in essence "results are not typical." Many industries that seek to get someone to buy their product based on some claim of success or hoped-for-success bump into the same ethical issue. The MLM industry has had its share of "check flashing" and most companies have learned the hard way to instruct their top distributors to NOT wave their big commission check in front of a group of potential distributors, or tell anecdotal stories of huge successes.


Because the results are not typical.

Most distributors will never win the SuperLotto, er, I mean, earn a commission check as large as that top distributor. If they get caught up in the frenzy and passion of dreaming how their lives would change if they were making an additional $75,000 per month, they might just sign up in the same mode as buying lottery tickets. How long do you think they will stay involved when their numbers don't get called and reality sets in?

So, just how much money do most people need to make to justify when starting off in an MLM business? The number I have heard over the years is $500 a month. $500 a month is enough for many people to say "this is working for me!"

Well, $500 a month isn't as sexy as $50,000 a month and some people might not sign up as a result. And, unfortunately, even $500 a month is not a typical income. On average, most MLMers make less money...mostly because so many drop out after just a few months.

In the end, except for a very rare few people who "win" and are in the right place at the right time and make gobs of money without having to ever sell their product to retail customers or even do much recruiting, an MLM business is a still a business and not a lottery. It takes work to succeed.

Bubble burst? Feeling discouraged? Tearing up that drawing of the house addition and pool that you have been working on?


There is still a world of opportunity out there and some MLMers will do a great job of building a business to reap the rewards. My hope is that you will make an informed decision to start an MLM business and do so with the commitment to work hard enough to make the money you desire. Just don't get suckered in by the numbers...because if you want to buy numbers, an Opportunity Meeting is the wrong place.

A Daily Routine

Most of us have habits or routines that we follow each day. Whether those habits are physical, spiritual, or mental in nature, time has shown that dedication to routine is a requirement for achievement and progress.

The power of routine applies to your MLM business, too. You probably use some of your products on a daily basis. I drink my Kyani (yum) every day and because I am doing something positive about my health it helps me to avoid eating foods that are less than healthy. Is my diet perfect? Hardly. But knowing that I am doing something simple everyday (Kyani) to improve my health sets the tone for my day and helps me make better eating decisions all day long. I suppose it is backwards logic in a way, but the cost of the Kyani is significant enough that I don't want to waste that investment in my health by making bad food choices later in the day. Yet, being human, sometimes I do...and it's nice to know that by drinking my Kyani that morning I am ahead of where I would have been otherwise, even if I can't avoid that piece of chocolate cake.

I'm also building habits as far as my Kyani business is concerned. So far I've managed to get a new blog entry completed every weekday...not always an easy task, but one that is bordering on being an established habit. I'm also trying to contact a certain number of people every day and let them know about my Kyani business. I attend the weekly meetings and keep in touch with those in my organization.

The beauty of a regular routine and good habits are that once they are established, we don't have to spend much time debating whether or not we will do them. They likely still entail an expenditure of time and effort, but we can appreciate that we are progressing and moving closer to achieving our goals.

Have Fun at Your Meetings!

While not everyone enjoys going to Opportunity meetings every week, they can be informational, effective, and even fun!

Many a successful MLMer has built their business by inviting friends and acquaintances to join them at a hotel, office, or meeting room for a 60-90 minute presentation about their chosen MLM. Hopefully, everyone who has been invited is aware that they are attending an Opportunity meeting and hasn't been tricked or coerced into attending. (I've had that happen a couple of times and it was very irritating. Needless to say I didn't sign up.)

I want to point out that people who voluntarily go anywhere in the evening are already more proactive than most. Then, put all those fired-up entrepreneurs in one room and the excitement level can go through the roof. This isn't like a CPA convention...MLMers know how to have a good time!

One of the better presenters will usually speak about the company, the products, and so on. Corporate VIPs might also be in attendance to add a little muscle to the event. Often there are testimonials from product users who have experienced noteworthy results and are willing to share their stories. Depending on the agenda, sometimes there is a break before the Compensation Plan is discussed.

One could easily say "I don't need to go this week...I know everything that is in the presentation." Personally, I might say the same thing about church attendance. Fortunately there are several reasons to keep going other than the information in the presentations:

1) It helps recharge one's battery to be around others who have made a similar commitment. Sometimes we get discouraged and find the path so challenging that we don't want to keep trying. Attending one's meetings can help remind us of the reasons we started going in the first place.

2) We probably will see some friendly faces. If your sponsor or upline is there they will likely go out of their way to say hi and inquire as to how you are doing. Likewise, you might have people that you have sponsored into the business who could use an energy boost and some motivation. For most of us, helping someone else get motivated is one of the best motivators of all.

3) We don't really know it all. Just like that favorite song that you sing along with on the radio. If you were to try and sing it all the way through on your own, you'd probably forget half the lyrics. Hearing something over and over is different than knowing it well enough to present it yourself. So, go to your meetings and continue to soak in the the info so that you, too, one day might be able to make the presentation.

4) Meetings are a key part of business, almost any business. If you are serious about your MLM business you should be serious about your meetings.

See you there!

An Invitation to All

I'm writing this blog with the implicit invitation to all to check out Kyani--the company, the drink and the business opportunity. However, it is my hope that any readers who stumble across this site who are involved in another MLM, whether it be Xango, Tahitian Noni, NuSkin, Neways, Xocai, or the dozens of other successful organizations, will find information that will aid them in building their businesses, too.

Many wise folks have talked about an abundance mentality, the belief that there is enough for all to have what they need or want. Abundance mentality is positive, hopeful, sees life as acts of creation and improvement. I'm not ignorant of the laws of supply and demand and that scarcity is a real feature of the marketplace...but it doesn't benefit many to have a scarcity mentality. Scarcity mentality is negative, selfish, looks to get theirs at the expense of others.

So, if your MLM business is humming along and you love it...great! Me, too!

On the other hand, if you are looking for a new opportunity, or haven't had the personal results with your products that you were hoping for, then give Kyani a try.

Hard Truth: More people, exponentially, have had a bad experience with an MLM than have had a positive one. If that describes your experience...and you still want to give it another try...good for you! Either you have an abundance mentality and entrepreneurial zeal or you are stark raving loony...and I like you already!

Today the sun is shining brightly into my window, the weather is warming up, and the world is full of possibility. Regardless of your company or endeavor, I invite you to make the best of this wonderful day!

Quickest Way to Make Money? Sell Product!

MLMs have come a long way from the time when there was a distributorship fee, sign up fee, or random monies spent to get in to the company. Recruiting bonuses were paid from the money generated by these upfront fees and a good income could be earned from just signing up warm bodies every month.

What? You think that still happens to some degree? Well, I guess it's a matter of interpretation. Let's look at how Kyani does it and you decide.

Hi! I'm Patricia, your friendly Kyani Independent Distributor, and I'm really excited about this great nutritional drink called Kyani. It's really good...(5 minutes of happiness about the product later)...and I have a bottle right here! Or would you like more so that you can have others in your family try it for 30 days, too? The cost is ____ (insert your retail price) and I'd be happy to take cash or a check.

Ok...retail sale accomplished, fast forward 3 weeks. "Patricia, I have felt so much better since I started taking the Kyani product! Thank you so much! I need to order some more bottles because I am going to tell everyone I know about it. Is there a volume discount available or can I also sign up to sell Kyani and get the distributor price?"

You betcha!

Not only do I sign her up as a Kyani distributor, but I commit to work with her so that she is trained and comfortable selling the product. I explain to her that she'll likely want to place a large enough initial order to ensure that she has adequate inventory on hand, but not to worry too much about running out because the company can ship more product if needed. And as the company benefits from smoothing out its manufacturing process by having an idea of upcoming demand, they create additional financial incentives for distributors who agree to a regularly scheduled monthly order, a minimum of 4 bottles.

And since I helped the company sell product to a new distributor, I get a commission on her initial order. And, as I am helping train her in her new Kyani business I will continue to receive a smaller commission on product that she orders in the future. While the structure in different, the principle is similar to other retail businesses for which I have worked. The manufacturer makes a profit, as does the distributor, the wholesaler, and eventually the retailer. There are also commissions paid along the way to salespeople, sales managers, regional sales managers, etc.

She's happy, I'm happy, the company's happy..and isn't that a nice place to be?

So, my bottom line to making money in Kyani is that I have to sell product to someone and hope that they continue to order more product in the future, either as a Retail Customer, Preferred Customer or Independent Distributor.

Ask Yourself

There comes a time in most everyone's life when they ask themselves, "Is this what I really want to do with my time?" Life has a way of rolling on, day after day, and due to the demands of job, family, church, and state, we develop a coping mechanism that allows us to put one foot in front of the other, grinding away, getting done what needs to be done.

Are we having any fun yet?

Not that I believe that life is about consumption or idleness, of even just fun. Nor do I believe that we should suffer in the shackles of our own habits, fears, and disappointments. For those who have it all under control, are chasing their muse, soaring high with wings full, and leveraging their abilities and life experiences to the benefit of others, I say "bravo!" But, then again, they're not likely reading this blog in the first place.

No, it's far more likely that you, kind reader, is still seeking to find that financial freedom and life balance that you believe will brighten your day and edify your soul. Alas, depending on your age and circumstances, starting over again as a fresh-faced college graduate entering the field of your choice, might be beyond your grasp.

So what is one to do?

Quit your day job, mortgage the house, and open a retail shop that suits your fancy? Go back to school and retool your professional skills? Good options for some...but perhaps not for everyone.

What if you can't afford to quit your day job, or the time and expense of additional education seems prohibitive? Taking a 2nd job could help a bit...but what toll would it take on your family or your health? If only there was a business that you could start that didn't require much capital or time...and maybe you might even be able to make enough money, eventually, to _____________.

That blank is what each of us who gives it a try in network marketing gets to fill in for ourselves. And because enough people succeed in doing so is why MLMs tend to be very popular business opportunities. So many of us want more or something different and MLMs, or at least the good ones, are structured to help us achieve that goal.

No MLM company will guarantee your success or your happiness should you reach your financial goals. But the good ones (like Kyani!) will do everything they can to help you get there...and who can ask for more than that?

The Cost of Not Asking

Most people don’t mind it when you tell them about your business. What they mind is being pressured to buy something. And what is the cost of telling someone about your business? Well, perhaps they won’t like you as much. Maybe they will say “no thanks” when you invite them to buy your product or come to a meeting. They might even get indignant and tell you that network marketing is a modern-day plague that needs to be eradicated if our society is going to survive.

You can handle that, can’t you?

And what is the cost of not asking someone to listen to your spiel?

Maybe they have been looking for a hot new MLM to make some money with and would be glad to come to your meeting. Or maybe they have some serious health concerns and are interested in trying your products. Maybe they are looking for a business they can run from the home. Just maybe the timing in right and this would be PERFECT for them.

The point is…you won’t know if you don’t ask. And if you don’t ask…you won’t be doing business with them.

And how will you feel when someone else signs them up in the same company that you represent? Or, what will you say to them in a year, when you are making some serious money every month, and they want to know why you didn’t mention it to them earlier?

One of the biggest mistakes that one can make in business is to assume they know what the customer is thinking…especially when all it takes to find out is to ask.

Grab That Hot Iron and BRAND YOURSELF!

Tried and almost True wisdom says to make a list of everyone you know as part of your circle of influence. Invite them to meetings, pitch them, tell them how wonderful your new products and company are, and try not to get trampled in the rush to sign up in your downline.

I suppose that approach might work for some people, maybe 1 in 50 or so. And it shows up in one form or another in most MLM training materials. But does it work? Must not…or the average person would stick with their MLM business for more than a few months. It makes sense to contact the people you know before those you don’t…so what’s the problem?

Candidly…most MLMers put more effort into recruiting people than promoting the fact that they have started a new business that sells a product. If someone were to open a restaurant, it is reasonable to think that they would let everyone know at least the name and location of the restaurant. Taking a reservation or booking a group party at the restaurant would likely take place in a subsequent conversation. It’s enough to just let people know that you are in business and start the process of branding yourself.

Oh, I can hear the master recruiters now, “Hey, it’s a numbers game” or “You have to be ready to hear 99 'no’s' before you hear a 'yes'.” Sure, I understand that mentality and it does work for a few folks. The downside is that most new distributors aren’t ready to hear “no thanks” even 9 times, much less 99. And if someone is in the business for the long run, what’s the rush to burn through all of one’s contacts in the first 30 days? Shoot, most new distributors don’t even fully understand the compensation plan or the details of the products by the time they have exhausted their list of “warm” contacts. And if this isn’t the first time that you’ve started in an MLM, running full bore again at your friends, family, neighbors, etc., isn’t likely to result in many takers.

So try this instead: Let everyone know that you have started in a new MLM and you’ll keep them posted as to how your business is going. Print up some business cards, send out emails, let people get the idea that you have started a business that you plan on running for quite some time. Ideally, you want them to think of your business when they think of you.

Sell product at retail prices. Become an expert on your products and your company. Use your products and develop a personal positive history with them. Stay in contact with your friends, family, etc., and treat them as valued potential customers, not just fodder for the downline cannon.

Will this approach work for everyone? No…because some people just aren’t cut out for succeeding in an MLM business. Will it work for many people? I think so…why don’t you try it and let me know how it works for you.

Retail It or Hightail It

One of the great tests of commitment to an MLM business is the ability to sell the products at retail prices. Justifying the expense of a product for one's personal use--purchased at the wholesale price--is an easier task than selling it to one's neighbor at a retail price that might be anywhere from 20%-100% higher.

Here's an example of what can happen when newly signed up MLM distributor, John, cheerfully approaches his neighbor, Sue, with a bottle of product in hand:
"Sue, I've got this great product that I'm selling and it's only $50 a bottle, less than $2 a day for some possible health benefits that I can't make claims about. But it really is good stuff and will cure what ails ya!"

Sue thinks to herself "Yikes!!! $50 a bottle! I can get a 12 year old bottle of Chivas for that, something that I know will cure what ails me." Sue politely says "No thanks, John. That's a bit pricey for me."

To which John replies "Well, I could sell it to you at the wholesale price of $30, that's what I pay for it." John is willing to make this sacrifice in the hopes that Sue will try the product, harmonize with the universe after 3 days usage, and come back begging for more for all of her family members. And maybe fortune will be smiling down upon him and Sue will accept his discounted offering as a sign of true friendship, and proceed to sign up as a distributor in John's downline.

Sue thinks "Hmmm, that was quick...I wonder if John is trying to recruit me into an MLM...oh boy, here comes the pitch about financial independence and all the money I can make selling this stuff. But if John is so quick to throw away his profit margin, how easy is it to make any money from sales? Sure, if you are a good recruiter and sign up enough people over time you can almost make minimum wage in bonuses for your efforts. But I'm not interested in an MLM at the moment." Sue says "That's awfully kind of you to offer me that discount, John, but things are a little tight right now, so I'll have to pass" and thinks to herself "Please go away now."

John is a bit discouraged and says "Thanks, Sue. See ya around," and dejectedly heads home, thinking to himself "Man, there is no way I can sell this stuff at the retail price!"
While John made several mistakes that more experienced MLMers wouldn't, the root problem was that John hadn't yet decided to run a real business selling a real product. Even the kid with the lemonade stand learns that if you pay more for your product than you are selling it for, you're going to lose.

Unless, of course, your real business is recruiting people to sign up with a company that rewards you for recruiting people, regardless of whether or not you ever sell any of their products.

Don't get me wrong...many, many people get HUGE checks every month from MLM companies and have never sold their products to anyone...and might not even use the products themselves. Oh, and the "suggestion" that they sell (or use) 70% of their inventory purchases every month? Don't worry about it, no one is checking up on that one.

Does anyone ever sell their products at retail prices in the MLM industry? And how is that possible if all the other distributors are selling the products at wholesale prices?

It does come down to one of the challenges of any business where a product is sold. Some people can sell a candy bar for $1 when others can't sell the same bar for 40 cents. A lot depends on how you market it and how well you can sell.

If you knew for certain that the product that you were selling provided such great health benefits to the user that even at $50 a bottle it would be a bargain, could you sell it for that much? Wouldn't you rather make $20 a bottle profit than $0? Sell 10 bottles and make $200? Now we're talking business.

What? You can't retire on $200 a month and you were hoping to earn thousands of dollars a month in residual income as the result of building a large downline?

Who says you can't do both? The business owner who can sell at retail prices is so convinced of the worth of their products that they will naturally attract the interest of customers and others who would like to run a similar business. And except for the born recruiters--those masters of MLM signups--who do you think will successfully run their business longer, the "I can sell this stuff at retail prices" distributor, or the "Please, please buy a bottle from me at wholesale prices" distributor?

My bottom line: To build a long-lasting, successful MLM business, learn how to sell your products at retail prices...or hightail it to the next MLM that comes along promising huge success without having to do any work.

If MLMs Are So Great... come so many people drop out in the first 120 days?

Two words: "Dashed expectations"

Opportunity meetings can be so positive and exciting that it appears to many that MLMs are easy money! Just sign up and sign up your friends and family and you're gonna be rich!

Woo-hoo! Let's car, trip to Maui...let's book the flight now!

And then, a few days later, after most everyone has stonewalled you or hasn't returned your calls or emails, you sit and wonder what in the world you went and did when you signed up for this MLM.

There is a concept in business that applies here: barrier to entry. Few companies can afford to build cars or airplanes due to the cost of starting business. On the other hand, almost everyone can afford to start in an MLM as the barrier to entry (cost) is very low. So, lots of people make the decision to start--which usually directly benefits the person who introduced them to the company, in the form of a commission--and don't have a very clear idea as to what they have gotten themselves into.

By a show of hands, how many people here are ready to go play professional basketball? Why not? Out of shape, too short, no skills? While creating a successful MLM business isn't the same as playing professional basketball, it should be easy to understand that some people are naturally more suited to it than others, some people are in better "shape" for it, and some have greater skill levels.

Let me change the question to "How many people want to go play some basketball?" Ah, a few more hands went up.

What changed?

Your expectation of the given activity.

Hey, it can be fun to shoot some baskets and get a little can handle that, can't you? You can even pick the group of people you want to play with so the pace suits your ability and desire. Who knows, given enough time and practice, you might become a great player some day.

The same principle holds true for your MLM business. Are your expectations in line with your abilities? Maybe your sponsor or upline superstar is just better at this stuff than you are and you shouldn't be comparing yourself to them or expecting the same results. Does that mean that you shouldn't try in the first place?

Not in my book.

If you are motivated today to start an MLM business, and are realistic about the amount of time and effort it will take to achieve your goals, you should be just as motivated tomorrow to keep working at it.

Oh, and if it isn't fun...switch sports. Life is too short and few people succeed at something they truly dislike.

10 Benefits of Starting an MLM business

1) Real health benefits
Most MLM companies produce a product that they believe will assist in creating better health for their customers. Sometimes the majority of the benefit comes from drinking more water or beginning an exercise program along with taking the product. It's possible that the decision to become an independent distributor, and invest time and money into one's business, also provides the motivation to improve one's health in order to obtain a personal testimony of the company's products. This additional dedication to using the company's products regularly over a period of months can result in improved health.

2) Placebo health benefits
Scientific studies have shown that some people who are given a placebo instead of actual medicine experience similar positive results as those who received the actual medicine. The reason? Power of positive thinking and the belief/hope that their health will improve. Many scientists and medical doctors regulary attack the MLM industry due to the lack of FDA approval or double-blind studies to support a product's hoped for health benefits. Yet somehow many, many people experience improved health through the use of the products. Regardless of how much is the impact of a real intervention or of the placebo effect, the results speak for themselves. Because so many people want their chosen company's products to improve their health, are dedicated to regularly taking the products, drinking more water, and exercising regularly, testimonies abound as to the products' efficacy.

3) An opportunity to chase a dream
What is the value of an opportunity to strike it rich? Las Vegas would still be a pit stop on the way to California if it wasn't for the opportunity to make big money. While some cynics might favor the odds in Vegas over those in an MLM, there is a value to participating in an activity that COULD make big money. Why do many people join an MLM? For the income and lifestyle that they MIGHT be able to build for themselves. The cynics would say "don't quit your day job" and might be right, at least in the beginning phases of building an MLM business. But who wants to live with the cynics? They are not the power behind business, they are not positive, and they spend their days guarding their half-empty glasses from evaporation, afraid to dream in the first place. I'm not suggesting that one gamble away their money; rather, I believe that there is value in pursuing one's dreams and most MLMs are structured to allow for the average person to start small and build a business while not giving up their day job.

4) Social value
Some people are people people and enjoy getting together with others who are like-minded. Many MLMs have regular weekly meetings that independent distributors can attend and bring others who are considering starting their own business. These opportunity meetings can approach a religious revival in their fervor (or not) and are generally full of positive, fun, outgoing people. Many longterm relationships are forged via participation in an MLM and what price tag can you put on the value of these new friendships?

5) Educational value
Often overlooked in the evaluation of the MLM industry is the many opportunities that participants have to educate themselves about health, business, and interpersonal relationships. Training materials and seminars are usually readily available and reasonably priced, if not included in the basic sign-up fees or offered free of charge. Principles of self-management, organization, how best to deal with others, record keeping, public speaking, and marketing are just some of what one can learn as an independent distributor. While one won't put on a cap and gown in this process, the education is real and valuable and is often more transferable than that which was obtained in a formal educational setting.

6) An opportunity to improve oneself
Health benefits and increased knowledge are just two of the areas of self-improvement that can result from the participation in an MLM. While few people would start an MLM business with the goal of improving themselves, most successful MLMers would look in the mirror and acknowledge that they indeed had accomplished something worthwhile and were a better person as a result.

7) The opportunity for a personal success
Aside from the self-improvement, the dream chasing, the increased knowledge and newly acquired business and interpersonal skills, there is the satisfaction that results from accomplishing one’s goals, of succeeding at a given endeavor. Most people will tell you that life is difficult and successes might be few and far between. And while just starting an MLM business isn’t a guarantee of success or failure, it is a new opportunity…and one good success helps blot out any number of failures.

8) An opportunity to make money
Gee…I almost forgot this one! Starting an MLM business provides the opportunity to makes as little or as much money as one can. Very few businesses can be started for as little as an MLM business, especially when one considers the marketing, product development, distributor support and customer service that is already in place. An MLM business allows one to start a business on a shoestring and build it at one’s own pace, without having to invest in equipment or an office/work location, pay employees, create marketing materials, or the dozens of other expenditures that are typically associated with starting a business.

9) A reason to get out of the house and away from spouse, kids
Ok…maybe this one is a stretch, but I believe there is some value for some people that can be determined to arise from the opportunity to go and do their own thing, even it is only a few hours a week.

10) A chance to rub shoulders with successful people
MLMs are full of successful and accomplished people who are willing to share their time and wisdom with you. Many of these people have had careers in the professions or in the corporate world and have started an MLM business for one or more of the reasons listed above. If only by osmosis, one can benefit from being around these people and learning from them, watching how they run their businesses, and enjoying the company of those who know how to achieve and win.