Thursday, July 15, 2010

Family First

For many new MLMers, the first group of people who they contact--excitedly, hopefully, optimistically-- are their family members. And as I have learned over the years, this doesn't usually turn out the way one hopes it will.

Approaching family members with any business proposition is different than approaching non-family members, primarily because there is a limited number of the first and an unlimited number of the latter. You only have so many siblings, parents, children, in-laws, cousins, and so on. So it's important that you take care in how you introduce them to yourKyani business...if you still want them to answer your phone calls and emails in the future.

Here are some common assumptions that can lead to difficulty when talking to family about your business:

1) They will be excited about your business because you are excited about it.
2) They will sign up as a Preferred Customer or Independent Distributor because they want to support you.
3) They will want to attend an Opportunity meeting just because you asked them to go with you.
4) They will be motivated to start their own MLM business because, well, because you are.
5) They won't reject you because THEY ARE FAMILY!

Whoa. Anyone who has gone down this road knows how demoralizing it can be when family members turn you down, or worse, deride your decision to start an MLM business. Sure, no one likes rejection...but when family members turn you down it seems to cut to the core.

What's the solution?

It depends on how you view your family, your business, and your product.

If you truly believe in the product's ability to improve and balance health, and you really do care about the health of your family members, why not let your family try the product...for free? While you likely can't afford to give away bottles of Kyani to everyone you know, the key here is to get your family members using the product.

My suggestion is that you only do this with family members who will actually use the product every day for a week to 10 days. When they've finished the bottle, ask them how they are feeling about their health and well-being. Would they like another bottle? If so, I'd give them another one...and so on, until they make a determination about the product.

Yes...that strategy could cost you some money...which is why I prefaced the suggestion with a statement about how you feel about your family, your business, and the product. It's likely that you value your family members more than all the potential customers out there, or all the potential future Independent Distributors that you might sponsor. Strong-arming or "guilting"them to sign up doesn't usually end up with their full support or interest in the business or a strong desire to use the product. However, if they come to appreciate the value of the product on their own, odds are they will be more supportive of your business...and that frequently can make the difference between success and failure.

I'm not saying that it's easy to curb one's enthusiasm when introducing one's family members to your new business. But if you can allow them the space to learn to embrace it on their own terms, I think you will experience greater success and happiness.

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